Hybrid EasySolar 1600VA/12V solar unit with AC breakers
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A comprehensive solution for your island or hybrid solar system. We connect solar panels up to 700 Wp to the unit, connect the battery, power plant or grid, appliances and have a professional 1f hybrid/island system
A comprehensive solution for your island or hybrid solar system. We connect solar panels up to 700 Wp to the unit, connect the battery, power plant or grid, appliances and have a professional 1f hybrid/island system
EasySolar helps to achieve a higher degree of energy independence from the grid. It combines an inverter/charger, a solar MPPT controller and AC power distribution including fuses into one compact device. It is easy to install, takes up little space and minimizes the necessary cabling. It sophistically and automatically prioritizes the use of produced solar energy and minimizes withdrawals from the distribution network. It is intended for powering 230 V AC single-phase consumers.
Basic information
EasySolar - a simple solar system with self-consumption support
- minimizes energy consumption from the distribution network and prioritizes produced and accumulated solar energy
- maximum solar gains thanks to the fast MPPT solar controller
- robust and durable pure sine DC/AC converter
- unmanned fully automated operation
- very fast connection to the distribution network when overloaded or discharged
- GridAssist function - in case of overload, it only takes energy from the grid that it cannot supply from its sources
- resistant to "blackout" - works completely independently of the distribution network
- depending on the settings, it allows you to work without supplies/with the supply of solar surpluses to the distribution network
- visualization of the current operating status incl. long-term statistics over the Internet for free
- simple and quick installation without the need for additional settings
- 5 year warranty
Fields of application
Comprehensive multifunctional solution for family houses, holiday buildings, cottages and the like. The system increases your energy independence with self-produced electricity and supplies energy to appliances even in the event of blackouts from the standard distribution network.
Description of EasySolar
EasySolar works as a central unit. Photovoltaic panels are connected directly to it - a source of solar energy, batteries for energy storage, a connection to the distribution network as a backup source and appliances. Everything is simple without the need to open anything and to assemble or set it up in a complicated way. The operation and overall functioning is governed by an internal sophisticated logic.
It is a compact two-in-one device combining an inverter/charger (MultiPlus) and a solar MPPT controller. The inverter/charger takes the produced energy directly from the solar system and/or the energy stored in the battery, converts it into alternating current and supplies the connected 230 V AC appliances. In the most necessary cases (see below), it also uses energy from the distribution network (or another source, such as a generator). The solar MPPT controller maximizes the amount of energy produced from the photovoltaic panels, transfers the energy to the inverter/charger to power the appliances, and stores the excess energy in the battery for future use in times of solar power shortage (for example, at night).
Basic principle of operation of EasySolar
EasySolar produces electrical energy from the sun, uses it directly to power standard 230 V DC appliances or, in case of excess, can store it in a battery for later use. In necessary cases, it can also use the energy of the distribution network, on which it is not functionally dependent in any way. It gives maximum preference to the use of self-produced solar energy over energy from the distribution network. The consumption of energy from the distribution network is minimized to the most necessary amount and only in the following cases:
a) The battery is completely discharged. EasySolar will take the minimum necessary amount to partially charge the battery to the most necessary safe level. It is a protective measure against deep and prolonged discharge that will extend the life of the battery.
b) Once every 28 days (factory setting), the protective battery is charged to a full state, thereby extending the life of the battery.
c) The inverter will be overloaded. The load (consumption of the appliance) is currently higher than what the inverter is able to provide from solar and/or battery power. In this situation, EasySolar will help itself with energy from the grid. Preferentially, own energy is taken from the solar system and/or from the battery, the most necessary amount of energy is taken from the distribution network. As soon as the consumption of the appliance drops below a certain limit (standard approx. 1300 W), the consumption of energy from the distribution network is terminated.
With or without power supply to the grid.
If the distribution grid is available, EasySolar may or may not supply excess energy back to the distribution grid depending on the settings. In our conditions, the preferred setting is without supplies to the distribution network - solar energy, which is not currently consumed even by appliances (energy production from the sun is higher than its current consumption) and cannot be stored in the battery (it is currently charged), so HUB-1 will not produce, which will be ensured by automatic suppression of production by the integrated MTTP solar regulator.
Sophisticated software
There are multiple software versions for the integrated inverter/charger that can be used for different purposes and settings. As standard, the software of the 100 series is used from the manufacturer, in which EasySolar behaves like a simple UPS - if the distribution network is available, it uses it to its full extent and does not prioritize the produced solar energy. For the sophisticated operation described in this document, i.e. the maximum use of solar energy and the minimization of network consumption, the original software of the 300 series with the HUB-1 function is replaced in EasySolar.
When intending to purchase an EasySolar with a sophisticated logic of maximum use of solar energy, this intention must be communicated to Neosolar. We will provide the appropriate software version as well as our own complete setup of EasySolar. If batteries other than Neosolar are used together with EasySolar, the capacity of this battery and the recommended values of absorption (absoption) and maintenance (float) charging voltage must be communicated. Only in this way will we ensure the legality of the settings and the long-term reliability and liveliness of the system.
Brief description of EasySolar integration
Standard family houses have a three-phase connection. The individual phases are fed into the main switchboard and selected single-phase consumers or circuits are connected to each phase. EasySolar simply slides onto one selected phase before entering the main switchboard. In the main switchboard, selected appliances are then connected to the given backup circuit, which we want to power primarily with solar energy.
After increasing the power capacity, several EasySolars can be arranged in parallel.
The device is designed as single-phase. If necessary, it is possible to create a three-phase system from three separate units.
Performance characteristics and properties
EasySolar is capable of powering appliances exclusively from the solar system and/or batteries without the need to use the network up to a total consumption of approximately 1300 W. We therefore recommend connecting to EasySolar appliances that normally consume a maximum of 1300 W in total and only exceptionally and for a limited time even more.
If the consumption of the appliance is even higher than 1300 W and the distribution network is available at the same time, EasySolar will start using the energy of the distribution network to prevent its overload. In this state, it tries to take the maximum energy from the battery and the minimum currently needed energy from the grid. The network connection is smooth without interrupting the power supply to the appliances. When the overload subsides, the distribution network is automatically disconnected and energy is taken again only from the battery. Disconnection from the network is smooth without interrupting the power supply to the appliances. This is a unique feature of GridAssist. If the distribution network is not available at higher consumptions such as 1300 W, a non-destructive overload of the EasySolar inverter may occur with interruption of the power supply to the consumers (insufficient inverter power). In the event of an overload, EasySolar tries to automatically restore the power supply to the appliances. If the overload persists, the EasySolar inverter will go into a permanent fault state (but the battery charging by the solar system continues to function independently of the inverter). Unlocking and restoring to standard state is done by simply turning it off and on manually on the front panel of the EasySolar.
The maximum total consumption of the appliance must not exceed 5000 W. If this happens, either the EasySolar inverter will be overloaded (battery consumption) and the device will report a fault and/or one of the AC breakers at the input or output of the EasySolar will trip. Connecting the distribution network when the converter is overloaded (appliance consumption above 1300 W, but up to a total consumption of 5000 W) happens very quickly within about one second. There is no risk of interruption of the power supply.
Technical specifications can be found in the downloadable documents below.
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